Action Configuration

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Action Editing

For a selected action the edit toolbar can be found as shown below:

Action menu toolbar is at the bottom of the action details. Highlighted in blue.

The action toolbar provides the following options:

Action toolbar
  • Minimize toolbar
  • Edit description
  • Edit unique key (used as key to provide an action value from an external tool like STEP)
  • Edit the value (e.g. the text written by a type action)
  • Disable the action
  • Make the action optional. It will be skipped if it cannot be executed.
  • Mark the action as unstable if the screenshot does not show a stable state of the application under test.
  • Breakpoint to manually modify the action during execution.
  • Visual assertion of the screen (disabled by default)
  • Add an API action (to call an external API)
  • Delete the action

Adding an Action

After a recording or execution, additional actions can be added via right click on any element in a screenshot as shown below.

The right click context menu allows to add an action to any element in the screenshot.

The insert action dialog provides options to configure the added action.

The insert action dialog requires to select the event type and provide a unique key.